Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

On a happier and more intellectually stimulating note, I attended the International Students Symposium organised by the Singapore International Foundation today at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel. A symposium is a formal meeting where people discuss certain issues. The theme for discussion at this year's symposium was: The Asian Century: Possibility or Pipe Dream?

It was fun and thought provoking to listen to the various speakers touch on the growth of China and India, as well as the relevance of ASEAN in our changing marketplace. The best part of the day was the Question and Answer sessions, where Kanesh and I had a fun time thinking up questions (some wierd and downright ridiculous, which were not asked, of course) to ask. I now have a large pool of data to draw upon for future GP essays... hehe...

The symposium will continue tomorrow. Ahh, another day of rest....

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